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Sleep Apnea Quiz


This sleep quiz, adapted from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, is an important tool designed to easily determine if a sleep disorder may be present or be a factor in your overall health and well-being.

The taking of this assessment and the results obtained in no way substitutes advise from a medical professional. Please begin by checking the box to any of the statements that apply to you in the form of your choice below.

Do you have Sleep Apnea?

Check all that apply:

  •  I have been told that I snore, and it can be loud.
  •  Others tell me that my snoring is interrupted by pauses, gasps, and snorts.
  •  I've been told that I frequently stop breathing when I sleep.
  •  I am overweight.
  •  I awaken with a dry mouth.
  •  I frequently have a morning headache.
  •  My friends and family say that I'm often grumpy or irritable.
  •  My neck measures more than 16” around
  •  I have high blood pressure and am on medication.
  •  I sleep well at night, but feel sleepy during the day, especially when driving or at work.
  •  I fall asleep when I don’t plan too, even if I fight it.
  •  I am male.
  •  I have a relative with sleep apnea

If you answered yes to three (3) or more questions in this section, you may be at risk for Obstructive Sleep Apnea, a potentially serious disorder that can lead to increased risk of heart attack, stroke, or death if left untreated. We recommend you visit a specialist at Sleep Services of Maryland. Call for an appointment today or click here


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